GS Article 1
Don't Let Go
Of Your Dreams - Not Again!
by Rajen Devadason
Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood
there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared
to dream before.
Allan Poe
wake up screaming!
Your spouse calms you down; reassuring you it
was just another nightmare.
Even as you settle back and start drifting into
slumber again, you wonder why the only dreams
you have nowadays are bad ones.
What happened to your once fertile imagination
that was able to conjure exciting, almost always
enjoyable dreams; pleasurable mental movies you
could play against the screen of your inner
eyelids day or night, awake or asleep?
problem so many of us face in daily life is one
of encroaching walls; figurative rock faces that
creep toward us inexorably, leaving us with less
and less room to manoeuvre.
you remember the trash compressor scene in
Star Wars where Han Solo, Princess Leia and
Luke Skywalker are trapped, we’ll be on the same
When we were younger, it seemed our imaginations
allowed us to roam the world, making it our
stage or better yet our playground.
we allowed ourselves to grow up - and not always
in the right way. Many of us have lost the
ability to dream big, great dreams that fuel
mental excursions.
that’s tragic, because those exciting journeys
within our skulls are the only things that
permit us to grow beyond the normal confines of
our too often drab lives.
Thankfully, none of us has totally lost that
ability to dream and imagine. I can prove it!
When you’re stuck behind a desk that seems to
have grown shackles that attach themselves to
your ankles and wrists, don’t you readily dream
of a better place, a better way of life?
problem is those dreams tend not to last too
long. Someone or something is always crashing
into our reality, bringing us back to earth with
a rather hard bump.
if we want to lay claim to a life that is bigger
than the one we now live, we must recapture that
long-lost childhood facility to dream good
dreams for sustained periods.
see, being able to see beyond things as they are
now, through rosy mists of future probability
and then perceiving them as they might be, is
the common denominator of life’s big winners.
they can do it, so can you, because all of
humanity shares that God-given endowment. As
Stephen Covey puts it, “In addition to
self-awareness, we have imagination - the
ability to create in our minds beyond our
present reality.”
you use your ability to imagine properly, it
will expand into one of the most potent time
management tools at your disposal - your
capacity to idealise and dream of a better
course, we all know people who do nothing but
dream. I’m not asking you to become such an
airhead. I’m saying you need to give yourself
permission to look beyond perhaps the grey, drab
walls of your existence and ask yourself if this
is the rich, abundant life God created you for.
Most people would have to say NO.
That would be a great first step.
second is to grant yourself permission to
daydream actively for short spells at a time -
even if it is only for 30 seconds while stuck in
a traffic jam. (Of course, if you commute to
work using public transport, you have even more
time at your disposal.)
get a dedicated little notebook and jot down
whatever comes to mind during these brief, but
precious mental excursions.
remember doing a similar exercise about a decade
ago, when I felt trapped in a great paying job
that was nonetheless squeezing every drop of joy
out of my life.
so I dreamt and wrote, wrote and dreamt, and
then wrote some more.
you think that a similar exercise will help you
detect what’s important to you, then you really
should get to know yourself better by tapping
into your dream bank.
consider this so important that Step 2 in my
5 Steps to a Saner Life is DREAM.
Most people know how to dream at night. But they
have a problem retaining their far more vital
lifetime dreams within a solid framework for
awakened review.
Such a pragmatic framework allows those who know
how to go about it well to follow up on those
dreams, to prioritise them, then to take action
on the most exciting ones.
you among those who want to recapture lost
dreams but are not sure how to do so?
5 Steps to a Saner Life
includes a starter list of such dreams. It
contains the outrageous mingled with the
challenging and practical.
After a long while of working through practical
exercises of dream harvesting, I began noticing
a pattern in where my thoughts kept taking me.
spent a long time charting my dreams and
thoughts. Then came the time to stop dreaming
and to take action!
had to gather my courage and walk away from the
security of that soul-sapping high-paying job
onto a path only dimly lit by the lamp of those
written dreams.
Since then, some months, even years, have been
very hard. But looking back, it’s been worth it
to get from there to here.
not asking you to quit your job. Just to give
yourself permission to start to dream again.
then to have the courage to pursue the right
this context, I love what Benjamin Franklin once
wrote, “To be thrown upon one’s own resources is
to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our
faculties then undergo a development and display
an energy of which they were previously
so, the way I see it, finding the courage to
reignite your latent ability to dream and having
the discipline to record those dreams is just a
tiny, tiny step away from giving yourself
permission to truly start living again!
© Rajen Devadason