GS Article 3
Make It Your
Goal To Grow
by Rajen Devadason
Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks he
is free.
Waldo Emerson
Financial guru
Robert T. Kiyosaki points out that often in the
real world of business, it is the ‘A’ student
who goes to work for the ‘C’ student!
I believe the
wrong lesson to derive from this accurate
observation is that doing well in school is
useless. The right lesson is that it takes more
than ‘book smarts’ to flourish in the real
world. For a long time, I understood that truth
intuitively. But I wasn’t able to figure out why
exactly things seemed – not always, of course,
but perhaps 95% of the time – to work out that
Then, quite
recently, as part of my ongoing programme of
self-education, I sauntered into a local
bookstore and bought Goals!, by Brian
Tracy. This extraordinary book has helped me add
depth of knowledge and a range of exercises to
the goal-setting module I offer my fee-based
life planning clients. (Tracy’s material is
extraordinary; I recommend it highly.)
In the book,
Tracy refers to groundbreaking research carried
out by Harvard University’s Dr Howard Gardner,
the founder of a concept known as ‘multiple
intelligences’. Apparently, each human being
possesses at least eleven distinct
1. Verbal intelligence
(as indicated by facility in writing and
2. Mathematical
intelligence (number-manipulation);
3. Visio-spatial
intelligence (art, design);
4. Entrepreneurial
intelligence (business start-ups);
5. Kinesthetic
intelligence (physical activity, sports);
6. Musical
intelligence (playing or writing music);
7. Interpersonal
intelligence (getting along well with
8. Intrapersonal
intelligence (understanding yourself at a
profound level):
9. Intuitive
intelligence (ability to sense the right
thing to do or say);
10. Artistic intelligence
(creating works of art); and
11. Abstract intelligence
(physics, science).
If your eyes
just skimmed over that list, please read it
again – slowly. But this time use a pen to jot
down your own self-assessment of where you stand
in each of those 11 areas.
An easy way to do
so is to give yourself a mark between 1 and 10
for how you rate yourself in each of those 11
Almost everyone
I know possesses at least two of these distinct
intelligences to a high – even genius – level.
Of course, each
of us also has areas where we’re dunces. For
instance, I must have missed my turn when God
was giving out visio-spatially attuned brain
cells. Anytime I need to go some place new, I
ask less visio-spatially-challenged friends to
draw me ‘idiot-proof’ maps that (even) I can
Too often, I
still spend chunks of time sitting in my car at
the side of the road rotating these maps to try
and figure out where the landmarks are, and
which way I’m supposed to turn next.
there are a few other intelligences that,
according to my wife Rachel, I excel in.
You’re the same.
If you desire a
life of financial abundance, the most important
thing you can do today is take a hard, frank
look at yourself and decide where you’re weak
and where you’re strong.
You should work at
strengthening your weak areas, if you feel they
are specifically holding you back from firing on
all pistons. And you certainly need to figure
out some way to hone your natural strengths to
hopefully raise their potency to world-beating
Indeed, I believe
you should set at least three specific goals to
do just that... to work on one core weak area
and to sharpen two valuable strong areas.
As Ralph Waldo
Emerson wrote, “Intellect annuls fate. So far as
a man thinks he is free.”
The key to
financial freedom is to build a personal economy
that taps into your latent abilities and
harvests a crop of financial abundance.
observation concerning ‘A’ students working for
‘C’ students is, I now believe, based on the
stereotypical ‘A’ student excelling in verbal
intelligence and mathematical intelligence in
school, but never taking the trouble to hone
other forms of intelligence that yield grand
returns in his post-graduation world.
Plenty of ‘C’
students fail in life as well. But there is a
fraction of them that discovers a highly
marketable talent in adulthood. Such talent may
be based on high visio-spatial intelligence for
artists and fashion designers; entrepreneurial
intelligence for budding tycoons, successful
professionals and practical inventors;
kinesthetic intelligence for NBA stars; musical
intelligence for composers and commercial jingle
writers; interpersonal intelligence for public
relations superstars; intrapersonal intelligence
for pop philosophers; intuitive intelligence for
entertainers and politicians; artistic
intelligence for, surprise, surprise, artists;
and abstract intelligence for scientists.
Somewhere in
that list lurks a hint of how you might be able
to excel.
It has often
been said that each of us utilises less than 10%
of our brainpower throughout our entire lives. I
don’t know what the scientific basis is for such
claims, but based on my experience of very
occasionally hitting high gear when thinking,
writing, speaking, consulting, and interacting,
I know that I spend most of my time operating at
a level much lower than I am truly capable of
Again, you’re
the same.
The rare times
we hit high gear for a discernibly long period
is known in athletic circles as ‘staying in the
zone’. Remember that phrase.
In this material
world we inhabit, financial security is most
often achieved by optimising the cash stream
that gushes into our lives during periods of
high productivity. Then managing a portion of
that gusher to take care of our future needs.
Identify how to increase the net inflow of cash
into your life. Then make it a goal to do so
within the next 12 months. After that,
meticulously plan your finances.
out what you need to do in the short- and
medium-term to finance long-term plans for a
golden retirement, for instance.
The financial
planning definition I use in training sessions
is the official one coined by the US-based
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards:
planning is the process of meeting your life
goals through the proper management of your
It seems to me,
the most sensible thing each of us can do in
terms of ‘properly managing our finances’ is to
question our present earning capacity and figure
out ways to upwardly migrate our performance
levels to a higher plane of economic existence.
Awakening a
personal intelligence that has been dormant
might be the best way to ensure that in the
years to come, smart people end up working for
you – regardless of how well, or badly, you did
in school. So make it your goal to do just that!
© Rajen Devadason