TM Article
Free Tips for
Time Management
by Rajen
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
David Thoreau
ability to manage time is of such fundamental
importance that I believe it is a skill that's
even more useful than knowing how to optimise
That's why I believe you'll find the TWO
resources I'm going to tell you about here
Free Tips for Time Management I'm going
to tell you about include:
Methods to reduce the adverse impact of the
biggest enemy of personal effectiveness
known to man - procrastination;
Methods to transform vague dreams into
diamond-sharp and diamond-hard goals;
Methods to harness the focusing power of the
smart version of workaholism and to avoid
the damaging effects of the other, more
common, sort;
Methods to use a personalised list of goals
to save you time every day of your life; and
Strategies to free up huge chunks of time
throughout your work days.
specific resource I have developed to help you
do that is a free time management eCourse that
you can take over 5 days.
you want to learn many Free Tips for Time
Management, you may begin doing so
however, you're interested in more advanced
material that involves nose-diving into much
meatier information and exercises, then my time
management ebook
Unshackled! 7 Ways to Make
Time for MY Dreams is a more
appropriate resource for you.
There is, however, one
drawback to the ebook. Although it is a
proven learning system that provides ambitious
men and women with powerful tools to manage time
and therefore enhance their lives... it is a
system that requires work and a deep desire to
succeed. If you have those traits in good
measure, you may learn more
Rajen Devadason