FP Article 6
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How To Correctly
View Life Insurance
by Rajen Devadason
In the time we have it is surely our duty to
do all the good we can to all the people we can
in all the ways we can.
William Barclay
people start life with little to
call their own. Then, often, through
sheer dint of hard work,
intelligence, and decades of patient
application, they make something of
themselves. But along the way, all
of us benefit from the help that is
occasionally (or regularly) extended
to us by others.
That's why the words
of the late Scottish theologian
William Barclay are so relevant:
"In the time we have
it is surely our duty to do all the
good we can to all the people we can
in all the ways we can." |
That truth
resonates in the hearts of every decent human
being because it succinctly explains why it is
that the cornerstone of civilised living is
aiming high, and helping others rise above their
circumstances, even as we rise above ours! The
core of correct community living is to operate
on the principle of 'prosper thy neighbour' NOT
'beggar thy neighbour'!
Now, before we
delve deeper into this, I'd like you to remember
'charity begins at home'. Hold that
thought as we consider what another wise man
observed, before his assassination:
This is an article on how to
correctly view life insurance. I hope
you enjoy reading it. But if it isn't what
you're looking for, you're welcome
to search for something that better meets
your needs. Thank you for allowing
me to serve you.
Rajen Devadason |
"The prudent,
penniless beginner in the world labours for
wages for a while, saves a surplus with which to
buy tools or land for himself another while, and
at length hires another new beginner to help
He, Abraham Lincoln, went on, "This is the just,
and generous and prosperous system which opens
the way to all, gives hope to all, and
consequently energy, progress, and improvement
of conditions to all."
As long as we are blessed with a full span of
years, we can hope that most of us will succeed
in our quest to improve our family's standard of
living - step by step!
Of course, there will always be exceptions that
fall into two categories:
First, those who happily make it big quickly.
(I have no experience with that, so I can't
offer any insights as to how to go down that
road. Sorry! The basis of my own consulting
practice revolves around trying to help some
people make tiny incremental improvements over
many years, ideally over one or two decades.)
And, second, those upon whom catastrophe
falls, by way of death or total permanent
disability! (Here, I have something to share
with you on how to add a layer of protection for
your family; if you're interested, keep
Even though collectively the average human
lifespan is creeping upward, nothing is ever
guaranteed for individuals. God alone controls
when we swoop onto Planet Earth at birth and when we are carried off by death!
Unfortunately, if our 'Great Goodbye' should
take place while we are still arduously ascending the
wealth curve, we just might leave behind a
spouse, parents, and children who are reliant
upon us.
So, how will they cope with the vacuum of heart and emptiness of pocket that result
from our sudden exit from life, or total loss of
economic productivity?
Let me be brutally
Only time can heal
the first pain; and only money, the second.
Unless you've inherited a large sum of money or,
more likely, have succeeded in building a
healthy nest egg through sufficient decades of
toil and sacrificial saving and investing, then,
frankly, the most cost effective way of almost
instantly generating a cash pile to help those
you leave behind is through the wise use of a
life insurance policy.
The biggest problem, however, with insurance
products is the wide range of service levels
extended by the gazillions of insurance agents
around the world. Some are fine professionals
who put their clients interests ahead of their
own. Others aren't.
You know what I mean. After all, by my personal
estimate, most people have at least two
relatives or friends who sell insurance!
The best agents, in my opinion, are those who
are fervently committed to the financial
planning process and the well being of their
But sadly, there is evidence of inappropriate,
self-serving behaviour on the part of some
One example of the type of reprehensible conduct
I am referring to is the use of manipulative
sales tactics that play on a person's fear and
ignorance to sell an endowment policy, say, with
relatively little death cover to an individual
who needs a lot more death cover. Such a person
might thus be better served buying term
insurance. (The same sum of premium dollars will
buy far more term death cover than endowment
death cover. But, historically at least in many
countries, life insurance agents have tended to
be better remunerated for selling non-term
policies because the profit margins enjoyed by
their life insurance principals are higher for
non-term products.)
Please note that while I am a big fan of term
insurance, I don't go to the extent my fellow
Malaysian and millionaire friend Azizi Ali -
Chartered Financial Consultant, author of
several great financial planning and real estate
investing books, commercial pilot, professional
speaker, and real estate investor - does when he
drums home, in his writing, the wisdom of buying
term and investing the difference.
Instead, I readily admit that a direct
comparison of term insurance policies and
endowment policies is inappropriate because
endowment products also contain an investment
element. But for people who buy insurance for
the sole purpose of helping their dependants
survive and even thrive in their absence, the
primary initial consideration should be
cost-effectiveness of death cover purchase.
And that brings us right back to the kernel of
Lincoln's observation, "The prudent, penniless
beginner in the world labours... and at length
hires another new beginner to help him."
Nowadays, our 'helper' can also be money, since it is much more like a living entity in
our day than it was during Lincoln's era. Money
today, especially, moves faster (consider the economic
term, 'velocity of money') and it multiplies
(money makes money through the wonder of
compound interest).
But for those who are not rich enough, YET, to
effectively self-insure themselves, life insurance
becomes crucial if these individuals have any economic dependants.
(Being self-insured means owning a nest egg
or portfolio that's large and productive enough
to meet all family needs without an external
injection of cash through an insurance policy
In essence, the true role of insurance is to
make a significant sum of money available to
your dependants should you depart this mortal
coil before you have succeeded in becoming
(For learning resources that
might help you enhance your mental and economic
capacities to earn more over time, you're
welcome to visit my Resource Centre
Please understand that your ideal insurance
product (in terms of type and size) can only be
determined by someone who takes the trouble to
understand your situation and aspirations.
Needless to say, a truly ethical and
competent life insurance agent will not make
such recommendations based on which product
lines his pockets the most!
Sadly, as I mentioned earlier, the other variety
of agent also exists.
That's why many people I come across nowadays -
at least among those over the age of 30 - tend
to have insufficient death and total permanent
disability cover, but, ironically, possess too
many different insurance policies! These were
perhaps sold to them by overly voracious
relatives, colleagues, acquaintances or
so-called friends.
advice, therefore, is simple:
Take a
long hard look at your insurance needs and
decide whether your life insurance agents are
primarily working to help you or to help
When you find one that clearly has your best
interests at heart, cling to him or her!
Then take the time
to work out your current insurance needs, with
this extremely professional agent's help, and do
what's necessary to buy sufficient additional cover to take
care of your loved ones in case anything
unexpectedly fatal happens to you. Be just as
diligent and drop excess cover if it turns out
you don't need it! (If you would like simple
guidelines to begin carrying out those
calculations yourself, read my article
How Much Life Insurance Do
You Really Need?)
Being responsible enough to go
the extra mile to ensure you optimise your life
insurance premium expenditure will fulfill Barclay's
reminder of what our core duty should be - to do good to others.
In my opinion, we should begin the process of
doing good to others by looking out for those we
love, and who love and depend upon us
the most!
Never forget: Life is fragile; it sometimes is
cut-off early... and unexpectedly!
That's what
happened to Lincoln, and that's what might
happen to any of us, any time. Ultimately, only
God controls our ETD - exact time of departure.
However, we can
control our FFSUD - family's financial state
upon departure! We do so by taking the time,
while we still have some, to research our
insurance needs and to exert the minor effort
needed to unearth the best life insurance
professional to work with. (Please note that
I do NOT sell life insurance; this article has
been written to help you help yourself
intelligently in this area of personal finance.)
I wish you all the
best in your search.
closing, if you are based in Malaysia, if what
you've just read makes sense to you, if you are
an English-speaking professional or business
owner aged between 30 and 50, and if you
genuinely believe you might benefit from my
consulting services in the realm of financial
planning and retirement planning, you're welcome
to learn
more about me
© Rajen Devadason